Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Life updates

So I know I don't actually "blog" much... and haven't really for years minus the photo of the day bit, but I'm feeling the need so enjoy or skip, it's entirely up to you :o)

Well I've been busy these past few weeks!  I attended this year's Community of Christ World Conference for a week in Independence, MO.  It was great to get down there again!  Ever since my dad stopped working for the church full time I've really been out of the social loop and it was really awesome to reconnect with so many old friends that I hadn't seen in 5-6 years!  My mum and I were there together while the guys held down the fort at home.  We stayed with our old neighbours from when we lived down there and my girl Erin was actually living back home so I was *thrilled* to spend some time catching up with her!

Getting back threw me back into the chaos that has become my life these past few months... working at the store, catching up on time with Austin, pursuing job leads (still no success on that front) and trying to get new photography clients to boost the income while I'm job hunting.  Thankfully I've been able to use wedding plans to distract me enough to keep from getting depressed and completely overwhelmed.

Austin and I have made really good progress and are actually almost completely done with the major planning components!  The last big one is just nailing down the catering details.  We know exactly what we want we're just trying to determine the best way of getting it :o)  We've got the florist, all the musicians, the tent with table & chairs setup, the bulk of the decorations, and (of course!) the photographer, so I feel really really good about it all.  Our good friends Steve & Cherry (who are officiating at the wedding) were up for a long weekend (left today) and spent some time with us going through some of the pre-marital discussions, etc and that was great.  Very reassuring :o)  It was wonderful to spend some time with them for a few days without worrying about Austin's music schedule and meetings... they live just outside Nashville and we normally stay with them on our trips down there.

My job search continues and I try hard not to get too depressed about it.  I've only had one interview, and several rejection letters, but even more "no responses" which sucks.  I believe the right one is out there for me, but with a wedding and whole new life fast approaching it sometimes seems much tougher to stay positive.  I'll get there eventually.  In the meantime I'm working a few days a week cashiering at a local grocery chain, and also continuing to work on getting new photography clients (have a couple lined up for next month so that's encouraging!)

I officially applied for grad school yesterday.  It's scary and exciting all at once.  I'm not sure if I will be accepted, or if I will be able to come up with the funding even if I am accepted, but it's a step in the right direction I think.  I'm excited about the possibilities and hope it works out.  The program is a Masters of Social Justice at Marygrove College in Detroit.  We shall see what happens.

Well I think I've wasted enough of my day now, time to get back to my to do list :o)  Tough with all this rain though that's for sure!  Definitely a curl up in bed with a blanket, hot tea and good book kind of day here in the D.  Ah well... onward!

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