Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I hate Nashville: a rant about the music industry and it's impact on my life

Austin is in Nashville this week on solo mission... he was meeting with a contact we have at BMI (they're one of the major royalty companies) to let him hear his new stuff and to see if he'd be willing to provide Austin with any recommendations on new management or direction or what. The meeting (from Austin's account) was a total waste of time. I am so sick of this Nashville selfish snobbery. Everyone that we've met there has been thrilled with Austin's work, they love him and love what he does, but none of them are willing to do so much as make a suggestion. All anyone says in Nashville is "you need to move here and play open mics and on the streets..." except that that's what everyone in Nashville is doing, and clearly it isn't working for the vast majority of them. Even the talented ones.

Also, I've been to a bunch of open mic nights, and the only people who are there are the ones who are hoping to get stage time...!! How does THAT help any of them? It doesn't.

ARRRRHHHHHHHGGGGGGG!!!! I am sooooo frustrated for him, I feel so bad!! I feel like no matter what we try to do to advance his career we either end up in complete debt (or begging our friends and family to donate to the cause) or we get nowhere. I am so tired of Nashville people thinking they know everything, and even more tired of them saying how much they love Austin's work without being willing to lift a single solitary molecule to help him out. We aren't asking for handouts. We are simply asking for opinions and guidance... if there is a logical fit, then maybe an introduction here or there where it makes sense. But no one is willing to help. Everyone is out to sit on their butts and thumbs-up or thumbs-down everyone else. It's ridiculous.

What we need is a solid manager or publicist who knows enough about the industry to help us create and implement a strategy. I have a full time + job, plus I'm trying to grow my photography business so I can eventually move into my own place and not live with my parents for the rest of my life, but I also do everything I can think of to help out Austin and his career. In the mean time, we get nowhere. No one in MI it seems is hiring music, at least that's what they all tell us... and no one in Nashville wants to help. I'm in no position to move right now, I love my job, and I don't really have the paper to find anything else like it even if I did move somewhere. I also can't afford to live anywhere other than my parents' home. Austin can afford to move out even less than I can and yet everyone (in Nashville) says he needs to live there. To do what excatly? Continue to have pointless meetings where no one helps?


I'm hungry, I'm tired, I'm super super cranky... and I just wish I could hug my boyfriend, and punch Nashville in the FACE. You suck Nashville.

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