Friday, April 17, 2009

Photo of the day

Every year I brave a single flower in the garden... I am not much of a gardener, but I love tigerlilies so much I had to give it a try. The first year I only got about 3 blooms, but now they've grown and spread so much I get a lot more than 3 :o)

I always end up shooting a bunch of photos whenever they bloom... I took this one a couple of years ago after a rain. I love the way the shutters behind it contrast with the petals... blue and orange, two of my favourite colours, and my all time favourite colour combo :o)


  1. This photo is magnificent! Oh yes....great color combo! Please tell me what camera you used for takes such sharp pictures.

  2. I shoot with a Canon D30... some day I'll be able to afford something new and lighter, but for now it suits me juuuuust fine! :o)

  3. An excellent image, congratulations!
