Monday, April 13, 2009

Week One

So Fowler and Herman are still MIA... and each day gets more frustrating for me. In the last several days we've probably had a dozen people call to let us know they've seen cats that may or may not be ours, but every search we've then gone out and conducted has turned up zero kitties... ours or otherwise. We've been checking in at shelters regularly, have posted hundreds of fliers and passed them out door to door in at least a half mile radius of the house, and have even posted fliers in all of the businesses we live near, just in case.

I know a few people who have had cats gone missing only for the worst to happen, but many many many people I've come in contact with over the past week have shared stories of their own cats (or cats of people they know) who went missing for up to a month and then one day showed up back at home, just fine.

I keep holding on to the hope that they are in fact fine and healthy and will be home soon, but my sleep is really suffering in the mean time... which is really unusual for me. Stress doesn't normally effect my sleep, but I haven't had a single good night's rest since they left. Last night my brother took me to Meijer where we bought some lavender bath foam and a lavender candle. He ran a hot bath for me while I dug out some comfy pjs and I soaked for awhile in lavender bliss... then I had the candle on my warmer next to my bed, and I slept *better* last night than I have all week... so at least it helped (still not an amazing night's sleep, but way better than it has been!)

I just miss my kitties... so do Zieltje and Micah, both of them are still very restless... they know something isn't right.

So here's to hoping Fowler and Herman are safe and sound, and that they will both come home very very very soon!!! :o(


  1. I know how you feel....I have 1 dog now and 2 cats.....I've had others in the past and I know how you feel. I pray that they find their way back to you...if not, than perhaps somebody else took them in to give then shelter and love.

  2. Thanks so much, I will be sure to post if we have any news...

  3. Oh Rachel - I'm hoping and sending go home vibes to the kitties. ((HUG))
