Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Photo of the Day: Stalker Squirrel

I took this photo last fall at Firefighters' Park in Troy, MI.  We were there with some friends and I was watching this little guy stalk a poodle.  It was pretty hilarious, because his tail was all tweaked at the end like it had been run over by something.  The result was that his gait was a little off  kilter and he almost looked drunk... he kept running a few paces, then stopping anytime the poodle looked in his direction.  It also reminded me of my squirrel mugging back at school (if you're interested let me know and I'll tell ya the story).  Anyway, I liked the way this shot turned out, and so I'm sharing my fuzzy little stalker with you today :o)

1 comment:

  1. Great shot of this little bugger in stalking mode! Love his color and your story to go along with it. Animals are definitley interesting.
