Sunday, March 7, 2010

Photo of the Day: Flashback

One of the few things about cars that I find even remotely interesting are the shapes and colours of cars from the 1950s.  This car was on display at the Henry Ford Museum when I went a few years back.  I loved the way the cars back then looked like they were trying to fly... very Jetsons :o)

1 comment:

  1. Cars were cars back then....and in the 60's ....and in the 70's! This is a great shot of the winged tail-light. Reminds me of my first car that my grandmother gave me back in 1974. It was a 1960 Dodge Matador....yup....Chrysler.
    I miss the chrome....Oh! the chrome! It had push-button transmission, rear view mirror on the dash board...and of course, fly windows!
    I had it until about 1984 and had to junk it because I couldn't find parts for it anymore. : (
    Very, very sad day for me. But I kept the hub caps and cigarette lighter for a keep. sake.
