Sunday, March 29, 2009

a fabulous weekend...!!!

Mum and I just got home from a weekend in Ohio where we were visiting my adorable goddaughter, Natalee, and her parents (Dave & Mary) :o) We had a great 3 days hanging out with them, giving mom & dad a chance to have a night out to themselves, and bonding with my Nat! She's gonna be 4 in a few months and is constantly moving... she loves to talk, draw, and colour... love fairies and Farmyard Tales, and she hates eating... in fact she has gone on record in the past as claiming she doesn't like food. It's funny when it isn't frustrating, we're all hoping she'll get over that soon!

We visited the West Side Market on Saturday, which totally made me want to go cook some huge fresh complicated meal... :o) Dave & Mary are part of a co-op that gets them farm fresh foods, so I'm gonna research that for up in our area and see if I get us into something like that too... the food is MUCH healthier, and it supports local agriculture, so I think it would be awesome.

There are a ton more photos, if you want to see them just click here :o) I'm looking forward to seeing her again, hopefully in a couple of months again once it's summer and we can all go to the zoo or something fun like that :o)


  1. These photos are adorable, I especially love the top one....the colors of the tricycle, boots and clothes make for one colorful picture!
    Very nice.

  2. That's my fav too. Hey here is the link to the West Side Market
